A Strange Loop

A Strange Loop

Catch the Pulitzer Prize-winning musical at the Barbican for a one-time London season

A Strange Loop

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Barbican Theatre, Silk St, London, England EC2Y 8DS, United Kingdom, London, United Kingdom

A Strange Loop

Michael R Jackson’s Pulitzer Prize for Drama-winning musical, A Strange Loop, premieres in London this summer. 

Directed by Stephen Bracket (Be More Chill), A Strange Loop stars Kyle Birch (The Color Purple) as Usher and tells a timely story about a young artist at war with his demons. This quirky and comically entertaining metafictional musical tackles identity, race and sexuality to the tune of bouncy Broadway beats and cutting lyrics.

A Strange Loop is now playing on a strictly limited 12-week season at the Barbican until 9 September 2023. Get your tickets today.

Sun: Closed

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