Green Lantern

Green Lantern

Green Lantern

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1335 Green Ct NW, Washington DC, USA, DC 20005

Green Lantern
Today: Karaoke - Every Monday

Lively gay bar in Washington DC. There's quite a "Cheers" vibe - a lot of regulars drink here and everyone seems to know everyone.

Best to get an Uber as it's located down an alleyway (matron!). They host shirtless nights and underwear night, too.

There's dancefloor upstairs, screens playing music videos and a very cheap happy hour.

Shirtless men drink free - 22:00 - 23:00 and men in underwear drink free between 00:00 - 00:30.

Happy hour goes on all night Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Weekday: 4pm - 2am

Weekend: 4pm - 3am

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