


Location Icon

31-34 Marine Parade, Brighton, United Kingdom, BN2 1TR

Today: Glitter Sunday - Every Sunday
Café by day, bar by night. Legends serves tea & coffee and light meals during the day on a terrace with sea views. In the evening, the bar kicks off, and stays open late into the night.

On Friday and Saturday, Legends gets busier a bit later than other bars in Brighton (around 11pm), though we prefer arriving earlier, as the bar service was super fast and finding a seat was easier.

Regular cabaret entertainment and DJ's at the weekend in the downstairs of Basement Club.

Weekday: 11:00 - 05:00

Weekend: 11:00 - 05:00

Internet Access
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Audience Rating

Based on 15 votes



Brighton's best

Legends is the best bar in Brighton for a night out. Was there new years eve - it was almost packed by 10.30 when we arrived and paid our £5 entry fee. Music was mostly cheese disco in the bar - but this sort of suited the mood of a very diverse, all ages crowd. Some camp queen did a count down over the mircophone to 2014 - but otherwise we sort of slipped into the new year without really noticing anything. Downstairs really got going around 1pm. When I left around 2.30 there was still a queue of people outside waiting to get in. Overall, Legends is probably the best bar in Brighton for a noisy, fun night out with friends. Clean, modern toilets and a reasonably efficient bar service.

Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.