Athens Gay Cruise Clubs

Athens Gay Cruise Clubs

In search of your Eros? Here's a list of gay cruise clubs in Athens

Athens Gay Cruise Clubs

Location Icon

Iakchou 36, Athens, Greece

Show on map
Audience Rating

Based on 75 votes

2018 Audience Awards
2018 Audience Awards

4 Star Winner

2019 Audience Awards
2019 Audience Awards

4 Star Winner

2020 Audience Awards
2020 Audience Awards

4 Star Winner

Gay cruise club & cinema in the Gazi gay district. Attraxx has more than 3,000 movies, dark rooms, luxury private cabins, 220 m² cruising area and erotic stop.

There is also an internet station, a maze with vinyl scenes, glory holes and more!

Nearest station: Kerameikos

Cruise / Fetish
Dark Room
Internet Access
Relaxing Cabins

Mon:13:30 - 02:00

Tue:13:30 - 02:00

Wed:13:30 - 02:00

Thu:13:30 - 02:00

Fri:13:30 - 03:00

Sat:13:30 - 03:00

Sun:13:30 - 02:00

Last updated on: 15-Apr-2024

    Athinaikon Cinema
    Location Icon

    11 Kratinou Street, Athens, Greece

    Show on map
    Audience Rating

    Based on 71 votes

    2018 Audience Awards
    2018 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    Athinaikon is an adult cinema that shows straight adult films during the day and gay films late at night. 

    Last updated on: 30-May-2024

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